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Children's Ministry

Whether it is through games, arts and crafts, teaching, or another means, there are many ways to use your gifts to serve the kids at Grace and point them to Jesus. If you would like to volunteer for children's ministry, please contact our Children's Ministry Director, Kayla Wagner.

Lincoln Ministry

With the ministry in Lincoln growing, we need are in need of volunteers to help on Wednesday evenings. There are many ways to serve the kids at Lincoln and point them to Jesus. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Pastor Carl Juhl.


Volunteers are needed for the nursery for Sunday School as well as the church service. If you are interested in serving in the nursery, please contact our office secretary, Dawn Anderson.


Each Sunday we have volunteers running the sound, livestreaming the service, and controlling the computer slides. If you would like to serve in this way, please contact Alicia Reichenberger-Walz.


Some of the duties of an usher include greeting people on Sunday morning, assisting people into church, helping with Communion, and cleaning the Sanctuary. If you are interested in being an usher, please contact Pastor Keith Wolderich.

Welcome Center

Our volunteers at the Welcome Center greet people coming into church, welcome newcomers, and hand out welcome bags and other info about our church. If you are interested in serving in this way, please contact Pastor Keith Wolderich.

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